Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Reuben: Gone But Not Forgotten

Have you ever had a favourite band you discovered, coveted and then lost to that (main)stream, which eventually flows in to that mediocre lake powering our conventional culture? It hurts doesn't it? Unfortunately for many of us our favourite bands either sell out or just carry on until they've dried up the creative well that is their musical ability. And you're more than right to be hurt, after all, it stings the eyes to watch Kings of Leon in tidy haircuts and matching outfits tailored by Rockers "R" Us. Or Smashing Pumpkins' completely altered line up, Coldplay's recent Rihanna collaboration, Linkin Park's contribution to Tranformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Okay I'm stopping there. I draw the line at mentioning that Michael Bay franchise any more than I have to. However, we digress. The reason I mention this first is the important fact that with today's suffocatingly stupid excuse for culture we have to accept our favourite bands are generally going to disappoint us by joining the dark side. 

One band never did though: Reuben. And although they disbanded in 2008 their music still exists and flows like free wine from the kitchen tap. Let's grab a glass!

First up is Jim Lenman, songwriter, lead vocalist and guitarist. His mix of screams and melody allowed Reuben to throw heavy guitar, throbbing bass chugs and plenty of drums in to a beautiful blend of alternative rock metal. Jon Pearce dug those bass holes and Guy Davis thrashed those drums. And the band is complete. In 10 years they recorded 3 albums, 2 EPs and several singles. Although they never gained the reputation or credit they deserved they still made a big enough impact to have found a cult following hoping for a reunion. Here's hoping.

So why should you listen? You should listen because Reuben are genuinely one of the best bands you've never heard. They're a band for those kids hitting the latter stages of puberty, falling in and out of love, hanging out with mates and wearing fake moustaches (Freddy Kreuger). They're also catchier than blink-182 and Sum 41's bastard love child (A Kick in the Mouth). Plus they can write beautifully delicate songs (Boy - just wait for the build up). Oh and they do scream-talking really well (Blamethrower).

They're also a genuinely honest and funny bunch of guys. Check out the brilliant documentary What Happens in Aldershot, Stays in Aldershot for Jim's hilarious rant about cereal. As well as the honest comment from Jon about how they "weren't abandoned as children" so there was never any need to write those kinds of "passionate" lyrics. You can't make up an experience and they didn't (Guy was kicked out of the Kerrang awards though). That's real RocknRoll. 

So here's to your new favourite band. Rejoice in the beauty and appreciate no one can ever take this away from you. It's time to learn the lyrics and wait for the reunion. Enjoy.

Oh sweet peas! Almost forgot, I should take the time to mention the guys' new ventures. Jim has currently got a solo project (Jamie Lenman) on the go, with a tour in December. While Guy and Jon are performing in new band Freeze the Atlantic, with the recording of their debut underway as of today! Reuben may no longer be but it's great to see these guys talents not going to waste. For further information on their new work head to Youtube and get researching! It's worth it to see Jim's new and 100% authentic moustache (seriously watch Freddy K, it'll make sense).

Freddy Kreuger, from the debut album Racecar Backwards is Racecar:

The rock pool was getting overcrowded.

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